Here at Polaris Roofing Systems, you can rest assured we have your health and safety as our priority as the coronavirus continues to change our day-to-day lives. We monitor and implement guidelines set out by the CDC and other health agencies. We’re also aware of our ability to carry out essential services in line with this guidance.
So, while we’re prepared to do what we can to keep you safe and sound in your home, we also make certain we don’t compromise you and your family while we’re carrying out the work. Flagstaff, Arizona, is experiencing restrictions just like all other cities nationwide.
Our team is fully briefed on the importance of social distancing and hand washing. As we go about our business, we’re doing so only as recommended by the government. Our core focus at all times remains the safety of you, your family, and our team.
We’re fortunate because our services fall under the umbrella of essential work. Beyond this, we’re also able to leverage technology to minimize the amount of face-to-face contact we need. Video calls can largely replace meeting in person. Satellite imagery allows us to measure projects and give you a quotation without needing a site visit. We utilize paperless documents you can sign electronically so you won’t need to worry about follow-up, either.
Whether you’re a new client or you’ve been with Polaris Roofing Systems for years, we’ll make sure you have you covered if you need emergency roofing repairs without compromising your health and safety. Get in touch and let us know how we can help out. We fully understand that problems with your roof typically manifest at the least opportune time. Get in touch and we’ll do what we can to help you get back on track.