Filing an insurance claim is usually a lot harder than it may seem. Most experts, however, can give you some pretty clear and concise recommendations regarding what you should do and why:
- Be active from the start. Contact your insurer, attorney and public adjuster as soon as possible, and try to find all the evidence to support your claims while the damage is still “fresh.” Note too, that roofers experienced in roofing Flagstaff homes can often be the Liaison between you and your insurance company.
- Document all your claims. Call in experts to assess the damage, and make sure you get all the estimates and assessments on paper.
- Avoid exaggerating your claim. Don’t try to get more than what the damage is worth, since that will usually just end up blowing up in your face.
- Don’t sign anything without consulting your lawyer. Some insurers will try to convince you to sign various documents that will take the responsibility off their shoulders.
- File all your complaints in writing. Don’t settle for phone calls. File official complaints and go up as high as possible on the chain of command.
- Hire a reliable public adjuster to do the work for you. If you can’t, or simply don’t have the time and energy to deal with the problem in full, make sure you call in the experts so they can do all the work for you.
If you follow these simple tips, the process will go a lot smoother, and you’ll soon find yourself in the possession of the money you need to regain your bearing and cover all the repair or renovation expenses.